Activity 1:
Practice to write the letter F. You can do this in the air, on sand, or on paper with a pencil!
Challenge: Try to write F with your toes OR Write a word with the letter F.
Activity 2:
Use your WHOLE body to create the letter.
Challenge: Can you think of an animal that has this letter? Move like the animals as you say the sound of the letter.
Activity 3:
Find small items around the house or outside. Arrange them to create the letter F.
Activity 4:
For this you will need a recycled plastic bag, water, 1/2 cup or dirt/flour.
Put the dirt/flour in the bag. Make sure it doesn't have holes! Add enough water to make a light paste. Push out air from the bag and tie a knot. Now spread the paste in the bag to create a surface to write on. Now practice your letter formation.
Activity 5:
Use clay, wet sand, or mud, to form the letter.