Germs Song | Hygiene | English

Description: Coughing? Sneezing? Do it in your elbow to keep the germs away!

Subject: Health & Hygiene

Age Range: 3 – 6 years

Language: English

Content Type: Audio

License: CC-BY-NC-ND

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Activity 1: Flour Germs



Spread ¼ of a cup of flour on a plate and ask your child to place her/his hands firmly overtop of the flour while telling her/him to imagine the flour is actually germs. Next, provide them with a couple of easy-to-wash plastic or wooden items (plastic cup, cooking stick) to touch or play with for a few minutes. Then ask her/him to stop what they are doing and examine how much of the flour has transferred from her/his hands to the items she/he is holding/playing with. This is a great activity to visually demonstrate how easy it is for us to spread germs when we sneeze and cough into our hands and don’t wash them afterwards.


Activity 2: Germ Travel

Flour/ baby powder

For a demonstration of what happens when you don’t cough or sneeze into your elbow and how germs travel in air! Take a little bit of flour/baby powder and pretend to sneeze by blowing on it. Your child can see where the flour/baby powder spreads and understand the importance of covering their mouths when they sneeze. Show them the “germs” of the flour/baby powder left in your hand. Together with her/him, go and wash your hands making sure you do so for 20 seconds.

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