Description: Lesson 1 – Various Forms of Energy, Combustion/ Oxidation
Lesson 2 – Energy of the Human Body (incl. human body seen through the thermal/infrared camera)
Lesson 3 – Energy Transformation and Units
Lesson 4 – The Sun, primary energy source
*Incl. – Pollution and Clean Energy Sources

What does it mean that something has energy? What do a human body and a candle have in common? How do snakes see in the dark? Is it possible to make a drawing using the sun rays instead of a pencil? How can we stop using energy from sources that harm our planet? Can energy kill viruses? In this episode of N*Gen our energetic teachers from Lagos will teach you about the different forms of energy and how we can use them in everyday life. As usual, the show is full of fun tips and tasks to do at home. You will also be burning energy while watching the show with Tadhi’s fun fitness routine! Let’s Go! Let’s Know!

Subject: Science

Age Range: 7 – 14 years

Language: English

Content Type: Video

License: CC-BY-NC-ND

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